The GCC nationals do not need a Visa. They can travel to Saudi at any time using their ID or Passport.
The GCC nationals do not need a Visa. They can travel to Saudi at any time using their ID or Passport.
The GCC nationals do not need a Visa. They can travel to Saudi at any time using their ID or Passport.
The GCC nationals do not need a Visa. They can travel to Saudi at any time using their ID or Passport.
The GCC nationals do not need a Visa. They can travel to Saudi at any time using their ID or Passport.
Saudia Airlines and Flynas offer transit/stopover visa for people passing through Saudi. One can receive a free transit/stopover visa on booking with these flights.
Saudia Airlines and Flynas offer transit/stopover visa for people passing through Saudi. One can receive a free transit/stopover visa on booking with these flights.
Saudia Airlines and Flynas offer transit/stopover visa for people passing through Saudi. One can receive a free transit/stopover visa on booking with these flights.
In addition to the above, if you're applying for an Embassy/Consulate/Tasheer visa, you'll need to provide:
Saudia Airlines and Flynas offer transit/stopover visa for people passing through Saudi. One can receive a free transit/stopover visa on booking with these flights.